Petit Prince Forest
Learning to “look with the heart” through Nature and literature.

Square Meters
Native Species
Youth Impacted
Inspired by one of the most beautiful stories in any language, the Petit Prince Forest was created to celebrate the power of the human spirit and a child’s wild imagination to transform the world around them. Petit Prince Forest is a project in collaboration with the Lycée Français de Madrid Saint Exupéry, a school delivering kindergarten, primary and secondary education to children in the northern part of the city. The forest is situated directly in front of the school buildings, next to the parking area where the students are dropped off and collected.
The project directly celebrates literary endeavour: the name Petit Prince Forest refers to the 1943 novel of the same name by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - after whom the school is named.
Forest Maker
MiniBig Forest España

“The project flows from sustainability targets at the Lycée Français. The goal is for children to understand the issues of biodiversity and climate change, and to feel empowered to act now to save their planet. Students and teachers will play an active part in the project and will be able to see the forest flourish right outside.”
Emilie Jezequel, Deputy Head Teacher, Lycée Français de Madrid Saint Exupéry
Forest Report: 2024
0 Months
Forest Age
Survival Rate
Average of Tallest 3 Trees
The forest is visibly thriving: offspring of green oaks (Quercus ilex) and elm trees (Ulmus minor) are many. It is getting very thick and dense in some areas and we have to squirm into the forest.
Autumn is drawing close and lots of insects are back. Butterflies, spiders, crickets, ladybirds are among those we saw last week, but we have unfortunately been dealing with a pest too: Capnodis tenebrionis, a beetle that eats and kills shell fruit trees like Prunus amygadlus.
We have done our best to catch and kill them and have sprayed some organic neem oil along with potassic soap. It seems that some of the trees have died but some are growing new shoots. It is not a major species of the forest so the impact should be limited.
Biodiversity Notes:
Forest Report: 2023
0 Months
Forest Age
Survival Rate
Average of Tallest 3 Trees
Bumblebees, butterflies, and bees were countless throughout September. Earthworms, ladybirds, butterflies, and many spiders could be observed in the area but since we collected the data the day after heavy rains, there were fewer insects.
The September showers have greatly helped the forest grow after the summer heat. The upper and middle parts of the forest are thriving slightly more than the bottom part of the slope, probably due to the shady zones provided by some nearby trees.
The forest overall looks healthy and promising. The main tree species - Quercus iles, Arbustus unedo and Philirea angustifolia - are growing well.
Planting: November 2022

Why the Petit Prince Forest?
Petit Prince Forest is a critical addition in this highly urbanised area, as it helps to restore the degraded state of the land - that was and without any soil coverage - and improve air quality in the immediate vicinity. This is be a forest supporting the wellbeing (and dreams) of the land, as well as that of the pupils.
The location means it will become an important landmark for the school community and a key example of green infrastructure. Its creation will be complemented by a programme of teaching, with topics including the technicalities behind forest creation, soil, the impact of trees on our environment, along with the tree as a theme in literature and art.