
Shoreline Historical Museum Forest

Cultivating a natural legacy for the local community.

Seattle, WA
Miyawaki Forest




Square Feet


Native Species

9 Months
9 Months

“The Miyawaki Urban History Project is a community-driven idea developed by a group of people invested in preserving the natural world and highlighting Indigenous relationships to our landscapes. After resounding support around this project from the Board of Directors at the Shoreline Historical Museum, the Miyawaki Forest Friends committee are vocally advocating throughout our communities. Tabling at events, writing articles in our local papers and otherwise promoting the Miyawaki Forest is a clear demonstration of the value of community-based projects and the role it has in connecting people to an organization like the Shoreline Historical Museum.”

Kenneth Doutt, Executive Director, Shoreline Historical Museum

Camas (Camassia quamash) - Camas has been a food source for many native peoples in the western United States and Canada. After being harvested in the autumn, once the flowers have withered, the bulbs are pit-roasted or boiled.
Garry Oak (Quercus garryana) - Garry oak use acorns to reproduce. Separate male and female flowers are grown on the same tree. Long male flowers, called catkins, hang in strands from branches and are covered in yellow pollen grains. Tiny pink female flowers hold the tree’s eggs. Flowers are wind-pollenated in spring.
Marsh Labrador Tea (Rhododendron tomentosum) - Its leaves are full of essential oil, which was used for the brewing of beer in the past and intensified the effect of the alcohol. Furthermore, it was mixed with bog myrtle to brew the famous gruit ale.
Oso Berry or Indian Plum (Oemleria cerasiformis) - Crushed foliage smells like a green watermelon. The trees can produce heavy crops, and the flavor is special (a mix of cherry, blueberry, olive, and cucumber).

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