Southbank Centre — Natura Nostra Forest
Giving Nature a chance to thrive within the brutalist architecture of London's Southbank Centre.

Square Meters
Native Species
Located within the iconic Southbank Centre's complex and in connection with Hayward Gallery, this unique project has restored a pocket of native British flora in the heart of London, supporting the well-being of both people and planet.
Planted in conjunction with the Hayward Gallery’s international group exhibition ‘Dear Earth: Art and Hope in a Time of Crisis’, our pocket forest aligns with the aims of the exhibition by inspiring a deeper emotional connection to Nature through rewilding its urban surroundings.
Within a chaotic concrete jungle, the forest is a restorative and awe-inspiring space for the millions of people who visit London’s Southbank each year.
Forest Maker
James Godfrey-Faussett

Forest Partners

Forest Design
Southbank Pocket Forest is fully accessible to the public and situated on a 130 Sq m ground-level terrace where it is rewilding the celebrated brutalist architecture of the area.
The forest will instigate a conversation between the concrete surroundings and Nature, restoring the sights and sounds of the natural world in a place that celebrates the wonders of human creativity.

“We’re delighted to be partnering with SUGi on this inspiring project, which represents an important step in Southbank Centre’s ongoing plans to green the site, and which launches alongside a summer 2023 programme at the Hayward Gallery and across Southbank Centre devoted to artists who are responding to the climate emergency, and promoting an ethic of engaged care.”
Ralph Rugoff, Director, Hayward Gallery
Urban Heat Profile
The Urban Heat Island Effect is affecting cities more and more each year and temperetures in urban areas can go up to 12 degrees hotter. This can be reduced and prevented by planting urban forests like this. We collected the air temperatures on an unusually hot day in June at Southbank Centre - Natura Nostra Forest and saw amazing results.
Surface Temperature Difference

Forest Report: 2024
0 Months
Forest Age
Survival Rate
Average of Tallest 3 Trees
This pocket forest has shown the most amazing growth and density of all our London forests! Some of the plants have put on as much as 3 meters of growth in the past seven months, and the forest has now become so dense that it has become a struggle to maneuver inside the forest to measure its trees’ height and survival rates.
We are exceptionally proud of this forest, as it has been planted in a place that featured no nature whatsoever. It is a true showcase of how pocket forests can thrive even in concrete jungles.
Planting: May 2023