
Southbank Centre — Natura Nostra Forest

Giving Nature a chance to thrive within the brutalist architecture of London's Southbank Centre.

Lambeth, London, England
Miyawaki Forest




Square Meters


Native Species

12 Months
12 Months

Forest Partners

SUGi Pocket Forest visualisation at 10 years.

“We’re delighted to be partnering with SUGi on this inspiring project, which represents an important step in Southbank Centre’s ongoing plans to green the site, and which launches alongside a summer 2023 programme at the Hayward Gallery and across Southbank Centre devoted to artists who are responding to the climate emergency, and promoting an ethic of engaged care.”

Ralph Rugoff, Director, Hayward Gallery

Wild rose (Rosa rugosa), Dogwood (Cornus alba), Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) - the new growth of these plants have flourished to the point of bursting out of the forest, such a joy to see that they have settled so well in just 12 months.
This Rowan tree (Sorbus aucuparia) has put on so much growth, it now towers already at 3 metres.
The wild rose (Rosa rugosa) is a great source of nectar throughout the whole growing season.
Snipe flies (Rhagio mystaceus) predate aphids and other small insects. Their eggs are laid in bunches in leaf litter and at the soil surface, and their larvae feed on small invertebrates that they find in moss or decaying wood.
An emerging flower bloom of a Wayfarer (Viburnum lantana), once it is in full bloom all the buds will open and the halo of small white flowers will make up a dome.
An invasive Harlequin Ladybird (Harmonia axyridis) that outcompetes our native ladybirds for aphids and even predates on the young of our native ladybirds.
Viburnum leaf beetle larva (Pyrrhalta viburni) - it would have hatched recently and will feed on the leaves of a Viburnum plant before pupating in the soil and emerging as an adult beetle in June/July.
The abundance and density of this forest is a characteristic of SUGi Pocket Forests and part big part of what allows them to be so successful.
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