John Kiberd

In early 2020 and during the initial stages of the first Covid-19 lock-down I became aware of the Miyawaki Method of forest-making. Also during the lock-down I visited my local public park quite a lot. One day I watched as a huge tractor pulling a grass mower trundled backwards and forwards mowing a large expanse of lawn. It occurred to me that this was just such a waste of time, of energy, and of opportunity. Here was this enormous rig spewing out greenhouse gasses to maintain what is, in biodiversity terms, a green desert. There & then I had a lightbulb moment and the Stepping Stone Forest project was born.
Inspired by the Miyawaki Method of forest creation Stepping Stone Forests are mini-woodlands created within an urban environment. The idea is to create space for nature to make its way back into the human domain. We simply must make room for nature and we must do it today.